HTML5: Drop-in prerender and prefetch script

Reading about prefetch and prerender, and especially Chromes prerender, got me thinking that this could to some extent be automated. My blog has become increasingly slow and I though that this would work as a simple quick-fix. This script relies on jQuery. Prefetch At startup (document ready) it will find any a-links tagged as “prefetch” … Read more

Multiple deployment configs in one config file with ACL

Most projects that is deployed into production require some kind of config change upon deployment. Often it is the connection string that varies, but it can be any number of custom settings. Forgetting to change the config file when deploying, or forgetting to change config back on your dev machine after deploying can have disastrous … Read more

Alternative directory layout for MVC

In .Net the MVC pattern is implemented through a template project. The project is set up for you when you create a new MVC application and imposes certain patterns on you. And that is exactly what MVC is, a pattern. By default you will create a controller, a view and a model. Usually you add … Read more

Converting hex string into Color (Windows Phone)

In Windows Phone (Silverlight) there is no System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(“#cccccc”); or similar that can help you convert a hex string into a color object. To do this you’ll have to parse the string yourself. So is a simple method that will do so, it supports both “argb” and “rgb” with or without “#” in front of it. … Read more

Async callback to awaitable Task<>

The Async-Await feature in .Net is really super. At least until it comes to debugging, exception handling and race conditions. In short it cuts down on code, bugs, complexity and allows for linear programming. Traditional async programming uses callbacks (events) that adds to code complexity, it also forces an unnatural break in your code. Luckily … Read more

Battlefield Heroes Rcon .Net library

What is BFH? Battlefield Heroes is a free-to-play first person cartoon shooter. 8×8 players battle it out on different maps using traditional weapons and special abilities. My server You need to bookmark, start the game, select “Game finder”, select “Bookmarked” and locate the server to join it. Background For the past few years I … Read more

Async/await HTTP server in C#

Since there has been a bit of interest for the code below I mocked together another version: Background Ok, so there are already alternatives for web servers in C#. Some of them are very feature rich. But I wanted to play around with TPL and async/await a … Read more

.Net Dictionary speed and memory

I love writing and optimizing stuff that puts strain on memory and CPU. Lately I’ve been wondering how well the .Net Dictionary object performs, and after looking at the source code for it, Googling and SO’ing I thought it would be good to complete the project with some real-world data that could be shared. So … Read more

Resolving application path in .dll Web, Console, WinForms and WPF applications

When sharing .dll’s between desktop applications and web applications finding the current application path can be troublesome. For desktop applications you can usually just use the path of a loaded assembly (.exe or .dll) in the application directory. For web applications that won’t work since the .dll’s are copied to a temporary directory when the … Read more