Legacy app: Net-Chat 2.0a (Quick Basic 4.5, DOS)

Recently got some old tapes recovered. There I found an old chat program I wrote in QB45 in 1996 (I was 16 years old). I installed Windows XP under Hyper-V to test it out since Windows 8 doesn’t run 16-bit DOS programs. But I wanted to have the executable work on my computer so I searched and found QB64 – compiled just fine under Windows 8.1.

It uses a shared file to store chat. I put it on a shared network drive so we could chat over the network. I was experimenting with IPX at that time, but then Windows and internet came and I went over to VB and TCP/IP. So this was my last app in QB45. Good times. 🙂

Executable and source code here.

19960101 NetChat 2

19960101 NetChat 4

19960101 NetChat 3

The source code: