Script Engine Component System (SECS)

What is a script engine?Currently I see people define a script engine very simply as: The thing that runs the scripts.This is a narrow definition that I never intended with DotNetEngine (see previous posts). Instead I would say the script engine is the most important component of OpenSim. I am a humble person when it … Read more

DotNetEngine and xengine

The realizationBefore my hands went bad I started the process of introducing a new common way of implementing script engines. This came from the realization of two things. First of all that many had difficulties understanding how to implement their own engine variations based on current engine, and second that not all developers are willing … Read more

OpenSim tackles high load

3Di have provided us with some new fancy features being added to OpenSim over the next few days. Region splittingAllows multiple physical computers to cooperate on maintaining one region. This is good for scenarios where you would want a large amount of people in the same region (think large events). OpenSim has already proven the … Read more

Objectifying LSL

A few months ago we decided to make a distinction between SL’s LSL2 and our own LSL implementation. This mainly because we were planning to add new features to the language. But also to make people understand that the compatibility may not be 100% – at least not for some time into the future. One … Read more

New common framework

I have moved most of the code from OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine to OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common. Right now we have only one ScriptEngine, and its purpose is to emulate a Second Life script engine by executing scripts put into prims. But in the future I expect different kinds of script engines such as controllers that manipulate in-world game rules or … Read more

ScriptEngine with many regions per server

I have added a whole lot of detailed config options in OpenSim.ini.example that can be used to control DotNetEngine. Many of these are specific to Common, some are specific to DotNetEngine. You can now control a lot of detailed stuff that you usually wouldn’t care about. The reason why these options are there now is … Read more


ScriptServer is “almost done”. Meaning it is capable of doing everything except communicating from a script to OpenSim. For this I need to abstract the layer between llFunction() and the actual implementation. Which already is in part done.However ScriptServer has not been a priority lately. For those who dont know the difference: ScriptEngine is a … Read more


Things are a bit quiet right now. But there are things happening behind the scenes. Some notes on communication between region and script engine. Region will be the initiator. That is, the one that contacts script server. If an object containing a script moves from one region to another then the next region will contact … Read more