.Net tools to use: Nini

http://nini.sourceforge.net/ Nini   Description An uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library. Use this for reading web.config (instead of .Net built-in System.Configuration…) and any other .ini-file or .xml-file containing configuration. Difficulty 2 lines to read (usually called at page_load or similar). Sample usage: [sourcecode language=”csharp”] // Set up our config source as web.config or app.config internal static … Read more

Script Engine Component System (SECS)

What is a script engine?Currently I see people define a script engine very simply as: The thing that runs the scripts.This is a narrow definition that I never intended with DotNetEngine (see previous posts). Instead I would say the script engine is the most important component of OpenSim. I am a humble person when it … Read more


Things are a bit quiet right now. But there are things happening behind the scenes. Some notes on communication between region and script engine. Region will be the initiator. That is, the one that contacts script server. If an object containing a script moves from one region to another then the next region will contact … Read more

Perfect code

The development process of a good program may often seem strange for an outsider. One can expect the development process to consist of planning, development and testing. A simple linear way to get from design to final product. In most commercial scenarios this is also how its done. Forcing an application from idea through design, … Read more

Pure C# support

ScriptEngine supports both LSL and C# within the same script. Mainly this means that you can write LSL, but when you want you can use C# code. For example instead of using llToLower(mystring) you can use mystring.ToLower(), instead of llStringLength(mystring) you can use mystring.Length(). But to make sure that we support pure C# code, I’ve … Read more

Starting my own company

Hi I’m currently in a period of less activity on the development front. Very sorry about that.At the end of last month I quit my job and started my own company as an independent consultant, and with this comes a lot of work setting up, getting customers, etc… The good news is that once this … Read more

Small milestone reach today

Application is now able to: Create Script Engine (SE) SE hooks up to a temporary debug event in Test App Test App asks SE to load LSO-file SE compiles LSO-file into .Net Assembly SE loads .Net Assembly SE Initializes the .Net Assembly and hands over a “LSL BultIn Commands” object (this object is the scripts … Read more

Status on initial SE implementation

With the model described in the two prior postings we will have simple scripts support up and running fairly quickly. Other developers will be able to extend script support while I continue working on Compiler and ScriptEngine. Both incoming events and outgoing LSL builtin commands needs extending. We will lack script yield inserting. This is … Read more