Kinect face recognition

Using OpenCV haar image processing library to find faces on Kinect RGB cam real-time. Source will be released, but I’m in the middle of some major refactoring so hold on a bit longer…

Kinect OpenCV object recognition

OpenCV SURF object recognition. Capable of detecting object that is tilted and rotated. Using EmguCV OpenCV .Net wrapper. It’s part of my Kinect starters kit, a framework and a few sample modules for playing with Kinect programming in C#. Source will be released soon.

Early alpha release: Kinect C# Starter Kit

NOTE: Microsoft has released Kinect SDK since this article was written. You probably want that instead of this. 🙂 Much of the stuff I’m doing with Kinect involves two input pictures and one output I figured I’d make a platform to make it easy to test new stuff. The main idea is that I can … Read more


Yesterday I bought a Kinect and hooked it up to my PC. After a couple of hours of compiling drivers and finally realizing I had to switch USB ports for the camera to work I could start writing code. I used the CLNUIDeviceTest as a base since it already had the lines of code required … Read more