How to contribute?

OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.LSL_BaseClass.cs contains a s*load of empty functions. These are all the LSL-functions. And all needs to be implemented. Implement most important/most used first. There is a “World” object available (scene). Example of implementation:

LSL to C#

To compile LSL code I figured the best way would be to first translate it into C#.Since LL will be supporting both LSL and C# we can use the same translator on a web page or similar to help people who know LSL to understand C#.Also it is much simpler for other developers on OpenSim … Read more

Changing tactics

After a meeting with Babbage Linden in Zero Lindens office hours on thursday I realized that with the new Mono/.Net compiler they are implementing we will have to make a few adjustments. It was earlier assume that compilation would be done at client of both LSL and LSO, therefore I focused on making a LSO … Read more